About The Blogger

Jasmine Brown is a writer, producer, director and Jill of all trades. She graduated from SUNY Purchase with a BFA in Dramatic Writing. Currently, she is Co-Artistic Director of Between Us Productions and has been producing plays, readings, improv battles and stand up comedy for over four years. Jasmine is a New York native and when she is not writing she enjoys scifi and fantasy novels, Chinese food and playing with her two cats. Visit the Between Us Productions website: http://www.wix.com/betweenusproductions/between-us .

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Take Ten Pictures

Well, it's been about a month since out Take Ten festival, but I finally got the time to put up just one picture from each of ours plays, plus one extra from our awards ceremony. We were so thrilled to get to work with such talented writers, directors, actors and stage crew. There are even more pictures in our
facebook album, so please check them out. All are by the talented Vladimir Weinstein. 

At Least He Didn't Die With Antlers On His Head by Thomas Levirer
Directed by Giovanna Aguilar
Pictured: Andrew Matthews, Matt Davis, Basilica Bliachas, David Donahoe

Killing Cupid, OK by Lindsay Bryde (Semi-finalist)
Directed by Lindsay Bryde
Pictured: Brendan Brierley and Larissa Diaz

Disappearing by Cathy Earnest (Winner for Best Play)
Directed by Jaclyn Gramigna (Winner for Best Director)
Pictured: Benjamin Foronda (Nominated for Best Actor), Jennifer Hunter (Winner for Best Actress)

Driving Herd by Sam Graber
Directed by Vincent Scott
Pictured: Juan Carlos Diaz, James Wilcox

Fade by Zachary Rufa (Nominated for Best Play)
Directed by Alexandra Keegan (Nominated for Best Director)
Pictured: Brady Wailbel and Olivia Harding (Nominated for Best Actress)

Getting it off in Ought Eight by David Wilcox
Directed by Cindy Kawasaki
Pictured: Kathleen Fletcher, Alexander Petrov

Give Me Something Good to Eat by John Glass
Directed by Johnny Culver
Pictured Charles Baran, Erik Neilssen and Marianne Hardat

Jumping In by Seth Freeman (Semi-finalist)
Directed by Noelle P. Wilson
Pictured: Kati Rae Cowardin, Jessica Cadden Osborne (Nominated for Best Actress)

Last Call for Love by Shasone Lambert
Directed by Shashone Lambert
Pictured: Shashone Lambert, Steven Strickland

Maturity by Aaron Leventman
Directed by Graydon Gund
Pictured: Molly Garbe, James Addison

The New Models by Rory Leahy
Directed by Art Brown
Pictured: R.A. Guirand, Heidi Jaye

Paul & Eddie by Ken Brisbois (Nominated for Best Play)
Directed by Natalia Lopez (Nominated for Best Director)
Pictured: Miguel Belmonte (Nominated for Best Actor), Nick Lopez (Winner for Best Actor)

Psycho Therapy by Tom Cherwin (Semi-finalist)
Directed by Ian Ogden (Nominated for Best Director)
Pictured: Costa Nicholas (Nominated for Best Actor), Ari Vigoda

Scars by Greg Abbot (Nominated for Best Play)
Directed by Veronica Dang
Pictured: Marissa Wolf (Nominated for Best Actress), Collin Blackard

The Oak Tree by Jay Koepke (Semi-Finalist)
Directed by Mark Cirnigliaro
Pictured: Chelsea Spack, Christopher Bennighoff, Sam Warren

Waiting by Jeremy Rafal
Directed by Michel Chahade
Pictured: Karen McFarlane, Gaston Franco

Winner for Best Play, Cathy Earnest with Co-Artistic Directors, Jasmine Brown and Samantha Manas

Don't they look swell? We also got a write up in a blog and the Windy City Media Group, so check those out!

As for our next project, you will hear about that very soon! We're still negotiating with spaces, but the plan is for our evenings of one-acts to take place at the end of June and they will feature plays by Samantha, Karl, Jasmine (me) and Cathy, as well as direction by Jasmine (still me), Samantha and Grady. Stay tuned!

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